What Do Burglars Look For In Tucson?
You understand home invasion is one of the risks you must defend against, but how exactly do thieves target properties? By better understanding what burglars look for in Tucson, you may do what is needed to safeguard your home and loved ones. See how a new home security system can help.
What Might Make Your Home In Tucson A Target?
There are various factors involved when burglars select houses to target. Is there a home security system visible with video cameras and a sign in the yard? Where is the property situated within the neighborhood? Here are several things burglars look for:
- Houses without close by neighbors or adjacent to open lots as there’s a lower probability of being noticed
- Places in the middle of a neighborhood in lieu of those on a corner lot that are subject to more traffic
- Sizeable privacy hedges, fences, untended bushes, or walls that can serve as places to hide
- Packages piling up on a porch suggest the home is unoccupied
- Cheaper or older doors and windows that are easier to bypass
- Residences with no evidence of home security
- Trash cans sitting empty by the curb after the pick-up day
If your neighborhood has seen a rash of invasions, it’s wise to be exceptionally alert, as thieves will continue to hit the same area.
How To Stop Your Home From Becoming A Target Of Intruders In Tucson
Intruders don’t want to spot any sign of home security, whether that’s surveillance devices, a video doorbell, or a clearly visible sign next to your main entry. So, if you want to keep your home from being targeted, the smartest thing to do is invest in a suitable home defense package.
A new system can do a variety of things to stop your property from being targeted. If you install smart lighting, you may schedule them, which is an excellent solution when you’re out of town. You might even set automation rules to have your tools work in unison. For instance, if your outside camera notices activity, it can cue an inside light to switch on.
Here are several additional things you may do to safeguard yourself:
- Keep up your property, as intruders are more inclined to target homes with neglected bushes and shrubs that function as places to hide.
- Use motion-sensing lights near entrances like garages.
- Make sure your garage door is shut, and give thought to using a heavy-duty lock.
- Keep a radio or television on when you’re away.
- Use window treatments to stop outsiders from seeing what you have inside your home.
- Get to know your neighbors. It’s wise to have a support system in place.
- Don’t provide too much info publicly on social platforms when you’re departing on vacation.
Deter Thieves With A Home Security System In Tucson From Secure24 Alarm Systems
Now that you understand what burglars look for in Tucson, it’s time to deter them with a home security package from Secure24 Alarm Systems. We’ll install a fully modern system with exterior video cameras, a video doorbell, smart locks, and more. You’ll find value in the remote accessibility and how your implements can work with each other to enhance your protection. Call (520) 485-5682 today to begin.